Requesting a payout

The instructors can withdraw their revenue after selling the courses. They can withdraw their earnings by a payout request to the site admin. If the site admin accepts the request, the course instructor can withdraw their earnings. To make a payout request, instructors can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the site as an instructor.
  • Select the "Payout" button from the left menu.

Navigating Instructor Payout

Figure 1. Learny LMS Instructor Payout Menu Button

An instructor can preview their pending amount, payout, requested amount, request managing button, and payout history on this page.

To make a new payout request, the instructors have to follow the steps below:

  • Click on the "Request a payout" button.

Requesting Payout Learny

Figure 2. Learny LMS Requesting A New Payout

  • Provide the payout amount. (They can not make a payout request if the requested amount is bigger than "Pending Amount.")
  • Click on the "Submit" button for confirmation.

Saving Payout Request Learny

Figure 3. Learny LMS Submitting A Payout Request

An instructor can not request a new withdrawal if they already have a pending payout request. To request a new withdrawal, they need to delete the previous request. To delete a payout request, they can click on the "Delete current request" button.

Deleting Payout Request Learny

Figure 4. Learny LMS Deleting Current Request

Note: Your instructors can't request a new withdrawal if they have a previous one.

Pending Amount: The remaining balance that an instructor can request for withdrawal. This is the maximum amount of money they can request for withdrawal.


Total Payout Amount: This amount means the previous total amount of successful withdrawal requests. After completing any withdrawal process, this amount will update automatically.

Requested Amount: If an instructor requests a withdrawal, the withdrawal amount will appear in the "Withdrawal Request" option.

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