What is Learny LMS
Getting started with Learny
Managing users
Course management
Earning from course selling
WooCommerce integration
Elementor integration
Instructor account activities
Student account activities
Live Class
You can create an instructor's account manually or allow the public instructor to your website as an admin. If you allow the public instructor to your website, your students can apply to become an instructor. We will navigate you enrolling an instructor manually in this WordPress plugin.
After clicking on the "Add new instructor" button, you have to provide information about your new instructor. They are:
You can make an instructor enabled or disabled for using this site. You can also update and delete an instructor's account from the "Instructor" option as an admin. For this, you have to follow the steps below:
Here you can find the "Action" option. In this option, you can see the update and delete icons. To update the information, you have to navigate:
To delete an instructor's account from your website, you have to navigate:
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