Creating course category

You can manage the category to classify your courses in the Learny LMS WordPress plugin. Your students can also find their desired course through the course category. In Learny, you can create two kinds of categories. They are:

  1. Parent category
    1. Sub-category

To create a category, you have to follow the steps below:

  • Log in to your WordPress site as an admin.
  • Select the "Learny LMS" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Course Category" option from the sub-menu.

Navigationg Course Category Learny

Figure 1. Learny LMS Course Category

Now, you have to provide:

  • Category name.
  • Slug.
  • Select parent course category (If you select a parent course category, your new course will become a sub-category. If you select the parent course category as "None," your new course will become a parent category)
  • Provide course description.
  • Upload category thumbnail.
  • Click on the "Add New Course Category" button.

Adding New Category Learny

Figure 2. Learny LMS Adding New Course Category

You can also update or delete the course category. For this, you have to navigate:

  • Select the "Learny LMS" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Course Category" option from the sub-menu.
  • Select and click on a category. (You can also select the "Edit" button)

Editing Course Category Learny

Figure 3. Learny LMS Editing Course Category

  • Update required information.
  • Click on the "Update" button.

Updating Course Category Learny

Figure 4. Learny LMS Saving Edited Course Category

You can also update your category quickly by clicking on the "Quick Edit" button. 

Quick Edit Category Learny

Figure 5. Learny LMS Quick Edit 

Here, you can edit your course category by providing the category name and slug. After that, click on the "Update Course Category Name" button to save your data.

Updating Course Category Name

Figure 6. Learny LMS Updating Quick Edit 

To delete the course category, you have to click on the "Delete" button from the "Course Category" option. Then select the "Yes" button for confirmation.

Deleting Course Category Learny

Figure 7. Learny LMS Deleting Course Category

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