Academy LMS

106 Articles


In Academy, you can create multiple kinds of quizzes in a course. These quizzes make the course more effective. In Academy, you can create:

  1. Multiple choise question.
  2. Single choice question/True-false
  3. Fill in the blank.

Course instructor:

A course instructor can create quizzes in a course within a few clicks. They can also see the quiz results. Also, a course instructor can set the quiz time, marks, and quiz instruction for the course student.

To create a course, a course instructor can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the admin panel.
  • Select the "Course" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Manage course" option from the sub-menu.
  • Select the "Edit this course" button from "Action."

Intro Of Creating Lesson Admin One

Figure 1. Academy LMS Managing The Course

  • Click on the "Add quiz" button from the "Curriculum" form.

Intro Of Creating Quiz Admin Two

Figure 2. Academy LMS Adding The Quiz

  • Provide quiz title.
  • Select a section for the quiz.
  • Set the quiz time.
  • Add total mark.
  • Provide instruction for your students.
  • Click on the "Submit" button.

Saving Quiz Admin

Figure 3. Academy LMS Submitting New Quiz

The course instructor can update the quiz. For this, follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Edit" icon.

Editing Quiz Admin Academy

Figure 4. Academy LMS Editing The Quiz

  • Update the required information.
  • Click on the "Submit" button.

Updating Quiz Admin Academy

Figure 5. Academy LMS Saving The Updated Quiz

To remove a quiz, a course instructor can follow the steps below:

  • Select a quiz from the "Curriculum" option.
  • Click on the "X" icon.

Deleting Quiz Admin Academy

Figure 6. Academy LMS Deleting A Quiz

  • Click on the "Continue" button for confirmation.

Multiple choise question:

You can provide questions with multiple options and answers in this question type. Your students can choose multiple answers here. To create multiple choice question, follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 7. Academy LMS Quiz Question

  • Click on the "Add new question" button.

Adding Multiple Choice%20questions Academy

Figure 8. Academy LMS Adding New Quiz Question

  • Write down your question in the blank box. (You can change font style, theme, bold, underline, color, add tables, link, video, and image)

Academy Quiz Questiuon Box

Figure 9. Academy LMS Writing Box Of The Quiz Question

  • Click on the "Select question type" option.
  • Choose the "Multiple choice" option.

Academy Selecting Question Type 1

Figure 10. Academy LMS Choosing Multiple Type Question

  • Provide the number of options.
  • Add the options name.
  • Click on the bar if the answers are correct. (The course instructor can add multiple correct answers)
  • Click on the "Submit quiz question" button.

Academy Adding Multiple Choice Question

Figure 11. Academy LMS Submitting Multiple type Question

The course instructor can update the multiple-choice question at any time. For this, follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 12. Academy LMS Quiz Question

  • Select the question.
  • Click on the "Edit" icon.

Academy Updating Quiz Question 1

Figure 13. Academy LMS Updating Quiz Question

  • Update required information.
  • Click on the "Submit quiz question" button.

Academy Updating Quiz Question 2

Figure 14. Academy LMS Submitting Updated Quiz Question

To remove a multiple-choice question, the course instructor can follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 15. Academy LMS Quiz Question

  • Select the question.
  • Click on the "X" icon.

Academy Deleting Quiz Question 1

Figure 16. Academy LMS Deleting Quiz Question

  • Select the "Continue" button for confirmation.

Single choice question/True-False:

The course instructor can provide questions with a single correct answer in this question type. Your students can choose an answer here. The course instructor can also use single-choice questions as true and false. Set one option for "True" and another option for "False." Students have to select any one answer.

To create the single choice question, follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 17. Academy LMS Quiz Question

  • Click on the "Add new question" button.

Adding Multiple Choice%20questions Academy

Figure 18. Academy LMS Adding New Quiz Question

  • Write down your question in the blank box. (The course instructor can change font style, theme, bold, underline, color, add tables, link, video, and image)

Academy Quiz Questiuon Box

Figure 19. Academy LMS Question Writing Box

  • Click on the "Select question type" option.
  • Choose the "Single choice" option.

Academy Selecting Question Type 2

Figure 20. Academy LMS Selecting Single Choice/True-False Question type

  • Provide the number of options.
  • Add the options name.
  • Click on the bar if the answers are correct. (The course instructor can click a correct answer)
  • Click on the "Submit quiz question" button.

Academy Adding Single Choice Question 1

Figure 21. Academy LMS Single choice Question

Academy Adding Single Choice Question 2

Figure 22. Academy LMS True/False Question Type

The course instructor can update the single-choice question/true-false at any time. For this, follow the steps below:

  • Select a quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 23. Academy LMS Question Quiz

  • Select the question.
  • Click on the "Edit" icon.

Academy Updating Quiz Question 3

Figure 24. Academy LMS Updating Quiz

  • Update required information.
  • Click on the "Submit quiz question" button.

Academy Updating Quiz Question 4

Figure 25. Academy LMS Submitting Updated Quiz Question

To remove a single-choice question, the course instructor can follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 26. Academy LMS Quiz

  • Select the question.
  • Click on the "X" icon.

Academy Deleting Quiz Question 2

Figure 27. Academy LMS Deleting Single Choice Question

  • Select the "Continue" button for confirmation.

Fill in the blank:

The course instructor can provide fill-in-the-blank questions in this question type. They can use multiple blanks in a question. Students have to complete the answer by filling in the blanks.

To create the fill in the blank question, follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 28. Academy LMS Quiz

  • Click on the "Add new question" button.

Adding Multiple Choice%20questions Academy

Figure 29. Academy LMS Adding New Quiz question

  • Write down your question in the blank box. (The course instructor can change font style, theme, bold, underline, color, add tables, link, video, and image)

Academy Quiz Questiuon Box

Figure 30. Academy LMS Quiz Question

  • Click on the "Select question type" option.
  • Choose the "Fill in the blank" option.

Academy Selecting Question Type 3

Figure 31. Academy LMS Selecting Fill In The Blank Question

  • Add the words which students have to complete and click on the enter key from your device for adding a single word/phrase. (The course instructor can add multiple words/phrases)
  • Click on the "Submit quiz question" button.

Academy Adding Fill In The Blanks Question

Figure 32. Academy LMS Submitting Question

The course instructor can update the fill-in-the-blank questions at any time. For this, follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 33. Academy LMS Quiz Question

  • Select the question.
  • Click on the "Edit" icon.

Academy Updating Quiz Question 5

Figure 34. Academy LMS Updating Question

  • Update required information.
  • Click on the "Submit quiz question" button.

Academy Updating Quiz Question 6

Figure 35. Academy LMS Submitting Updated Question

To remove a fill-in-the-blank question, the course instructor can follow the steps below:

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Question box" icon.

Adding Quiz Question Academy

Figure 36. Academy LMS Quiz Question

  • Select the question.
  • Click on the "X" icon.

Academy Deleting Quiz Question 3

Figure 37. Academy LMS Deleting A Quiz Question

  • Select the "Continue" button for confirmation.

The course instructor can also sort your questions by dragging and dropping. After that click on the "Update sorting" button.

Academy Quiz Question Sorting

Figure 38. Academy LMS Sorting Quiz Question


The course instructor can see the quiz results. Follow the steps to see the quiz result.

  • Select your quiz from the course curriculum.
  • Click on the "Page" icon.

Academy Quiz Result List 1

Figure 39. Academy LMS Quiz Result

  • Click on the "Select student" button.

Academy Quiz Result List 2

Figure 40. Academy LMS Selecting Student

  • Choose a student
  • See the student's results with their answer paper.

Academy Quiz Result List 3

Figure 41. Academy LMS Student's Quiz Answer Paper


The course students can solve the quiz from their accounts. Your students have to complete the quizzes in the limited time that the course instructor has set. The answers will be submitted automatically after completing the selected time. They can also submit their answers before completing the time. But they can not answer the question again if they submit the answers. The students can not pause the quiz time in any way.

To complete the quiz test, students can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application as a student.
  • Select the "My course" option from the home page.

Figure 42. Academy LMS My Course (Student)

  • Choose a Course.
  • Click on the "Start lesson" button.
  • Select a quiz from the lessons.
  • Click on the "Start quiz" button to start the quiz. (The time will start counting by selecting the button)

Figure 43. Academy LMS Starting A Quiz (Student)

  • Students can provide the answers on the question paper.
  • Click on the "Submit" button after providing the answer.

Figure 44. Academy LMS Submitting Quiz Answer Paper (Student)

  • Students can see their quiz results and correct answers after submitting their answer papers.

Figure 45. Academy LMS Quiz Result (Student)

NB: If the drip content feature is enabled, your students have to complete the quizzes to unlock new lessons.

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