Academy LMS

106 Articles

Managing courses with the mobile app

Your instructors can add, update, delete their courses if they want. They can also manage the course curriculum section, live zoom class, course requirements, and outcome. 


Your instructor can manage the course sections and lessons in the course curriculum. To manage the course curriculum, they have to navigate:

  • Select a course.
  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Curriculum" button.

Navigating Curriculum Academy Instructors Mobile App 1

Figure 1. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App More Option

Navigating Curriculum Academy Instructors Mobile App 2

Figure 2. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Curriculum Option

1. Section

To add a new section, they have to navigate:

  • Click on the floating menu bar.
  • Select the "Add Section" button.

Adding Section Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 3. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Adding Section

  • Provide section title.
  • Click on the "Submit" button for confirmation.

Saving New Section Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 4. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Saving Section

To update or delete a section, your instructor has to navigate:

  • Select a section.
  • Click on the More icon button. (...)

Curriculum Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 5. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App More Section Option

  • Click on the "Edit section" button.

Edit Section Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 6. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Edit Section

  • Update required information.
  • Click on the "Update Section" button to update the section.
  • Click on the "Delete Section" button to delete the section.

Managing Section Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 7. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Managing Section

Your instructor can also sort their course sections by just dragging and dropping. To sort a section, they have to navigate:

  • Go to the curriculum.
  • Click on the floating menu bar.
  • Select the "Sort Section" button.

Sorting Seection Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 8. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Sorting Section

  • Drag and drop the section. 
  • Click on the "Update" button for confirmation.

Saving Sort Section Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 9. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Update Section Sorting

2. Lesson

Your instructors can add multiple lessons to a section. Also, they can update/edit/delete the lessons whenever they want. To add a lesson, they have to follow the steps:

  • Click on the floating menu bar.
  • Select the "Add Lesson" button.

Adding Lesson Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 10. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Adding Lesson

  • Select a lesson type.
  • Click on the "Next" button to continue.

Lesson Type Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 11. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Lesson Type

  • Provide lesson title
  • Select section.
  • Provide video URL
  • Add lesson summary
  • Click on the box (If this course has a discount)
  • Click on the "Add lesson" button.

Saving Lesson Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 12. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Saving New Lesson

To update/delete a lesson, they have to navigate:

  • Select a lesson from the "Curriculum" page.
  • Select the "Edit" icon.

Editing Lesson Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 13. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Editing Lesson
  • Update required information.
  • Click on the "Update Lesson" button to update the section.
  • Click on the "Delete Lesson" button to delete the section.

Managing Lessons Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 14. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Managing Lesson

To sort a lesson, they have to navigate:

  • Go to course Curriculum.
  • Select a section of the sort required lessons.
  • Click on the More icon button. (...)

Sorting Lesson Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 15. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Sorting Lessons

  • Sort lessons 
  • Click on the "Update" button for confirmation.

Save Sorting Leasson Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 16. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Update sorting Lessons

Zoom Live Class

Your instructor can manage Zoom live class if you add Zoom live class addon on the Academy LMS website. Your instructors can start live classes with their course students. To manage the Zoom live class settings and start a new class, your instructors can follow the steps:

  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Zoom Live Class" button.

Navigating Zoom Live Class Academy Instructors Mobile App 2

Figure 17. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Zoom Live Class Option

  • Provide live class schedule. (Date)
  • Provide live class schedule. (Time)
  • Note for students.
  • Provide Zoom meeting ID.
  • Zoom meeting password.
  • Click on the "Update Settings" to save your data.
  • Click on the "Start Metting" to start a class instantly.

Saving Zoom Live Class Academy Instructors Mobile App 2

Figure 18. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Managing Zoom Live Class

Note: You have to configure the zoom settings in order to operate the Zoom live class.

Edit Course

Your instructor can edit their courses. For this, they have to navigate:

  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Edit Course" button.

Navigating Edit Course Academy Instructors Mobile App 2

Figure 19. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Editing Course

To update the course, they have to provide:

  • Course title.
  • Course description. (Long)
  • Course description. (Short)
  • Course category.
  • Course level for students.
  • Course Language.
  • Course overview provider.
  • Course overview provider URL.
  • Meta keywords.
  • Meta description.
  • Click on the check box (If they want to make the course as top)
  • Update the course thumbnail. (They can update the thumbnail from their device.
  • Click on the "Update" button to update the course.

Saving Edit Course Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 20. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Update Editing Course


Your instructors can add requirements to their courses with Academy instructor mobile app. For this, they have to navigate:

  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Requirements" button.

Navigating Requirements Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 21. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Course Requirements Options

  • Click on the "Add" button to add more requirements to the course.

Adding Requirements Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 22. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Adding Course Requirements

  • Click on the red icon to delete a requirement

Delete Requirements Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 23. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Removing Course Requirements

  • Click on the "Submit" button to save the course requirements

Saving Requirements Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 24. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Saving Course Requirements


Your instructors can add outcomes to their courses with Academy instructor mobile app. For this, they have to navigate:

  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Outcomes" button.

Outcomes Requirements Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 25. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Course Outcomes Options

  • Click on the "Add" button to add more outcomes to the course.

Adding Outcomes Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 26. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Adding Course Outcomes

  • Click on the red icon to delete an outcome.

Delete Outcomes Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 27. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Removing Course Outcomes

  • Click on the "Submit" button to save the course outcomes.

Saving Outcomes Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 28. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Saving Course Outcomes


Your instructors can set the price of their courses. For this, they have to follow the steps below:

  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Pricing" button.

Pricing Requirements Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 29. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Course Pricing Options

  • Click on the check box. (If the course is free)
  • Provide the course price. (If the course is not free)
  • Click on the check box. (If the course has a discount)
  • Set the discounted price.
  • Click on the "Update" button to save the data.

Updating Price Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 30. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Updating Course Price

Mark As Draft

Your instructor can save their incomplete course as a draft. They can also make their course review to the site admin. The site admin can review the course and make the course public. For this, they can navigate:

  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Mark as Draft/Mark as publish" button.

Mark As Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 31. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Saving Course as Drafted


Mark As Academy Instructors Mobile App 2

Figure 32. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Publish the course

Delete Course

To delete the course, your instructors have to follow the steps below:

  • Click on the More icon button. (...)
  • Select the "Delete Course" button.

Delete Course Instructors Mobile App

Figure 33. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Deleting Course

  • Click on the "Yes" button for confirmation.

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