Academy LMS

106 Articles

How to complete the quiz

The course students can solve the quiz from their accounts. Your students have to complete the quizzes in the limited time that the course instructor has set. The answers will be submitted automatically after completing the selected time. They can also submit their answers before completing the time. But they can not answer the question again if they submit the answers. The students can not pause the quiz time in any way.

To complete the quiz test, students can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application as a student.
  • Select the "My course" option from the home page.

Figure 1. Academy LMS My Course

  • Choose a Course.
  • Click on the "Start lesson" button.
  • Select a quiz from the lessons.
  • Click on the "Start quiz" button to start the quiz. (The time will start counting by selecting the button)

Figure 2. Academy LMS Starting Quiz

  • Students can provide the answers on the question paper.
  • Click on the "Submit" button after providing the answer.

Figure 3. Academy LMS Submitting Quiz Test

  • Students can see their quiz results and correct answers after submitting their answer papers.

Figure 4. Academy LMS Quiz Result With Answer Paper

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