Academy LMS

106 Articles

How to Publish a Blog (Instructor)

Your instructors can request to publish their blogs on your application if you allow them from the "Blog settings" option. After getting the permission, your instructors can see the "Blog" option from their panel. Your instructor can not publish their blogs without your approval. Only the site admin can review the instructor's blogs and publish them on the application site.

To publish a blog, your instructors can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application as an instructor.
  • Select the "Blog" option from the left menu.
  • Click on the "All blog" option from the sub-menu.

Academy All Blog Instructor

Figure 1. Academy LMS All Blogs (Instructor)

  • Select the "Add new blog" button from the "All blog" option.
  • Add blog title.
  • Choose a category.
  • Add some keywords.
  • Write down the description.
  • Upload blog banner and thumbnail. (Your instructors can upload the banner and thumbnail from their device)
  • Click on the "Mark as popular" button if they want to publish their blog as popular.
  • Click on the "Add blog" button to save their data.

Academy Adding Blog Instructor

Figure 2. Academy LMS Saving New Blogs Data (Instructor)

After creating a blog, it will be reviewed by the site admin. If the site admin accepts and approves the blog, the blog will be published on the site. The site admin can approve/delete the pending blog requests from the "Pending blog" option.

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