Academy LMS

119 Articles

Managing account with mobile app

Your instructors can configure the mobile app. For this, they have to follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the Academy instructor mobile app.
  • Select the "Profile" option from the left menu.

Profile Settings Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 1. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Profile Settings

Here, your instructors can configure:

  1. Edit Profile
  2. Change Password
  3. Zoom Settings
  4. Log Out

Account Page Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 2. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Profile Options

Edit Profile

Your instructors can update their essential information from this settings option. To complete this settings page, they can provide:

  • Update image. (They can choose the image from their mobile device)
  • First and last name.
  • Email.
  • Description about themself.
  • Social media link.
  • Click on the "Update" button to cave the data.

Updating Edit Profileacademy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 3. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Updating Profile Info

Change Password

Your instructors can update their account passwords from the "Change Password" settings option. To reset their password, they can navigate:

  • Provide the current password.
  • Provide the new password.
  • Provide the new password for confirmation
  • Click on the "Update" password to save the data.

Updating Password Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 4. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Updating Password

Zoom Settings

If you add the Zoom live class addon, your instructor can see "Zoom Setting" on their Academy LMS instructor application. To configure the zoom settings, they can:

  • Provide SDK Key.
  • Set SDK Sectrct.
  • Provide the Zoom Email ID.
  • Set the password.
  • Click on the "Update" password to save the data.

Updating Zoom Settings Academy Instructors Mobile App

Figure 5. Academy LMS Instructor Flutter App Updating Zoom Settings

Note: Your instructors can set their SDK keys and secret from the application.

To know more, click on this link here.

Log Out

Your instructor can log out from their device by clicking on the "Log Out" if they want.

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