Revenue reports

In Mastery LMS, an admin or the instructors can overview their reports and every detail about revenue with an optimized filtering feature.

Admin revenue report:

As an admin, you have to follow the steps to see the revenue reports from the admin panel.

  • Log in to the admin panel.
  • Select the "Revenue" option from the left menu.
  • Choose the "Revenue reports" option from the sub-menu.

In this option, you can:

  • Filter your information.
  • Overview total students subscriptions.
  • Admin reward from each subscription.
  • Instructor revenue from each subscription.
  • Admin revenue from each subscription.

Admin Revenue Report

Figure 1. Mastery LMS Admin Revenue Report

Instructor revenue report:

Your instructor can also overview their earning reports from their panel. For this, they have to follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the teacher's panel.
  • Select the "Revenue reports" option from the left menu.

In this report panel, an instructor can filter the information and they can also overview:

  • Student subscription list. (Based on the subscription)
  • Individual admin reward from each subscription.
  • Instructor revenue from each subscription.
  • Total revenue amount from a subscription.
  • Revenue withdrawal status from each subscription.

Teachers Revenue Report

Figure 2. Mastery LMS Teachers Revenue Report

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