My class detail screen

"My class details" module contains a video player and a tab bar. The upper screen shows the video player, and the lower part contains the tab bar view. There are two parts in the tab bar. They are:

  • Lessons
  • Discussions

My Class Details Screen

Figure 1. Mastery LMS Mobile Application My Class Details


This part contains the details of the class. Such as:

  • Class title
  • Class level
  • Number of students taking the course
  • Number of reviews
  • Class description
  • Class Instructor name
  • Lesson lists

If you have the subscription, you can mark the lesson as complete by ticking the checkbox shown on the right-hand side of a lesson. If there is no subscription and the class is not accessible, you need to purchase a subscription to view those locked lessons.

Lesson Tab

Figure 2. Mastery LMS Mobile Application Lesson Tab


This tab shows the discussion list that happened with students and the course instructor. A student can only join the discussion by subscribing to the course.

Discussion Tab

Figure 3. Mastery LMS Mobile Application Discussion Tab

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