Basic terms

What is an order

Checkout online grocery store is created based on managing order systems. The order will be generated when a customer purchases products from your online grocery store. Here, you have to update products, manage orders from the customers and deliver products through the delivery boy app. Customers can make payments for their orders through three different gateway systems and cash on delivery service. If the payment is in cash on delivery, the delivery boy will receive the payment after delivery. 

Who is an admin

Admin is the owner of the Checkout online grocery store. An admin has the highest number of privileges and responsibilities. An admin has to manage and support the entire system to operate the store in this application.

In this platform, an admin can:

  • Add/Update/Remove products, price, discounts.
  • Manage the online store from the backend.
  • Manage orders and payments.
  • Add product categories, sub categories, and units.
  • Operate store from the website.
  • Manage users.
  • Add customers manually.
  • Add delivery boy and assign delivery. 

Who is a customer

This application is created to sell products to customers and earn money. In Checkout, customers can use the best flexibility. They can:

  • Create a profile from the mobile application.
  • Add products to the carts. 
  • Use cash on delivery (COD) and multiple gateways for payments.
  • Overview of their orders and detail.
  • Add wishlist.
  • Update account info and passwords.
  • Get helps and supports. 

Who is a delivery boy

The Checkout grocery store has also created an application for the delivery persons. They deliver products to the customers and receive payments. Admin can assign the delivery order to the delivery boy. In Checkout, a delivery boy can:

  • Deliver products to the customers.
  • Help to operate the store with the mobile application.
  • Overview of the pending and complete order.
  • Update account info and passwords.

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