Sociopro Mobile App
Getting Started
Login credentials
Sociopro Timeline
Sociopro Profile
Sociopro Group
Sociopro Page
Sociopro blogs
Sociopro Event
Sociopro videos and shorts
Sociopro Marketplace
Sociopro story
Messaging & Notifications
Admin panel
A timeline is a list of posts and stories which will be constantly updated. After logging in to Sociopro, a user can see their timeline. Users can see uploaded pictures, and share locations, videos, events, blogs, and advertisements of their friends, groups, or pages they have followed. Users can upload and manage their text, image, and video post from the timeline.
To create a text post, users can follow the steps below:
To create an image or video post, users can follow the steps below:
Users can change their post settings from their Profile option.
Users can also share their feelings/activities from their timelines. Other users can react or these kinds of posts if they want. To share feelings/activities users can follow the steps below:
Users can also share their location on Sociopro. Other users can react or these kinds of posts if they want. To share the location users can follow the steps below:
NB: Users' friends and followers can see, react, and comment on the posts from their timelines.
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