Sociopro Mobile App
Getting Started
Login credentials
Sociopro Timeline
Sociopro Profile
Sociopro Group
Sociopro Page
Sociopro blogs
Sociopro Event
Sociopro videos and shorts
Sociopro Marketplace
Sociopro story
Messaging & Notifications
Admin panel
Sociopro is a networking platform designed to help you build a secure social networking website. Now, with the Sociopro mobile app, you can enjoy all the same great features on the go! Create a secure social space where you choose who to connect with and share content, posts, events, groups, or pages.
With the mobile app, you can add/remove friends, react to/share/comment on posts, and have private conversations with other users. Plus, you can publish blogs, host events, and create pages, groups, and opportunities to run your business in the application's marketplace. Enjoy the full Sociopro experience, now available on your mobile device!
With Sociopro, you have complete control over sharing your data, ensuring it is only accessible to a selected group of individuals. Unlike public social networking platforms, Sociopro offers enhanced data security, making it a private social media platform ideal for secure data sharing. This application is particularly useful for:
Institutes, offices, projects, or community members
Groups of students and teachers
Sociopro is designed to provide a secure environment for these groups to interact and share information without compromising on privacy and data security.
A timeline in Sociopro is a continuously updated list of posts and stories. Upon logging in, users can view their timeline, which includes uploaded pictures, shared locations, videos, events, blogs, and advertisements from their friends, groups, or pages they follow.
Users can save, share, comment on, or react to posts on their timeline. They can also share their feelings, start live videos, upload photos/videos/posts, and tag other users through the create post module.
A Sociopro profile is a personal page where users can upload posts, images, and videos, create albums, start live videos, tag friends, manage their friend list, and provide personal information. Other users or friends on the platform can react to, share, or comment on these posts.
A Sociopro group is a platform for discussion among people with common interests. Groups allow users to connect around shared topics, interests, and activities.
In a group, users can share opinions, ideas, and content such as text, images, and videos. Group members can react to and comment on group posts. Groups can also start live videos. Users can create and join multiple groups. Posts within a group are only visible to members of that group. Users can also share groups in events.
The "Event" feature in Sociopro allows users or event admins to create calendar-based events, helping to organize social gatherings.
Users can host multiple events, providing details such as the time, date, and event-related images. They can invite friends and share events on the timeline, in groups, or on pages. Users can also mark themselves as going or interested in an event.
Sociopro includes a feature that allows users to publish photos or videos that are visible for 24 hours. These stories will automatically disappear after 24 hours. Users can upload their stories directly from their timeline.
These features in Sociopro facilitate a secure and engaging social networking experience, allowing users to connect, share, and interact in a controlled environment.
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