How to Manage System Settings

GrowUp LMS empowers businesses to streamline e-learning through its customizable and user-friendly system settings. Whether you're managing courses, users, or integrations, the system settings offer everything you need to align the platform with your organization’s goals.


  • Log in to the Admin Panel.
  • Click on System Settings in the left menu to access the entry form.
  • Fill out the required fields:
      • Website Name: Enter the name of your website.

      • Website Title: Provide the title of your website.

      • Website Keywords: Add relevant keywords for your website.

      • Website Description: Write a brief description of your website.

      • Author: Enter the authority or author name.

      • Slogan: Provide your website's slogan.

      • System Email: Type the system email address.

      • Address: Enter the organization's address.

      • Phone Number: Provide the contact phone number.

      • YouTube API Key: Enter your YouTube API key.

      • Purchase Code: Input the purchase code for your LMS.

      • System Language: Select the desired language from the dropdown menu.

      • Course Selling Percentage: Specify the percentage for course sales.

      • Max Device Permission: Set the maximum number of devices allowed per user.

      • Footer Text: Add text to be displayed in the footer section.

      • Footer Link: Provide the URL for the footer link.

  • Once all fields are completed, click Save Changes to apply the updates.
  • Click the Choose File in the Choose File option for Update product
  • Once completed, click the Update button to apply the update. 




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