Offline payment

You can offer your customers different kinds of user-friendly features. Offline payment is one of them. Here, your customers can purchase packages offline along with online payments gateways. Your customers can use any offline payment method. 

After completing the offline payment process, your customers can add other directories to your application. For this, you have to upload your customer's information to the application. Follow the steps below to upload your customer's offline payment information on your application.

  • Log in to the application as an admin.
  • Select the "Offline Payment" option from the left menu.
  • Select the user who completes the payment offline.
  • Select a package for which the customer had paid.
  • Provide the amount of payment.
  • Provide the payment method.
  • Click on the "Add user to package" button to save your data.

Atlas Offline Payment

Figure 1. Atlas Adding An Offline Payment

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