Basic terms

Who is an Admin

An admin is the owner of the website or co-owner who operates the website and earns money. In Atlas, an admin has to manage directories listing, website frontend, customers, booking requests, etc.

Who is the customer

In Atlas, a customer is a user who registers/login on the website to get the services. The directories/business owners can highlight/publish/ their business through a subscription plan. The directories/business owners also can claim to verify their business listing or make their business listing as featured. Customers can also show their offers, prices, menus, services, sell/buy/book services, and goods.

What is listing

Atlas is a business directory listing website. As a site owner/admin, you can add businesses and their features to your website. In Atlas, to add a business to your website is called listing or adding directories.

What is tag

To list a business and highlight that business, you or your customers have to add different kinds of user-friendly features as tags on your website. In Atlas, you can consider these tags as "Amenities." As an admin, you can add new amenities, update, remove, or add a new amenities logo. Business owners can use these amenities as features on your website.

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