Elevate your teaching experience with the Academy Assignment feature! Transform traditional, passive learning into dynamic, active engagement. Empower your students to apply what they learn and achieve real results with assignments tailored to enhance their understanding and skills. Make your courses more interactive, practical, and impactful!
Your instructors can also publish assignments based on their courses (If you allow public instructors on your application). The site admin and instructors can create, publish, update, delete, review, provide marks and comments, and mark as drafts their assignments course-wise. For this, you can follow the steps below:
Figure 1. Academy LMS Course Options
Figure 2. Academy LMS Edit The Course
Figure 3. Academy LMS Assignment Option and Create New Assignment
Here, you and your instructors can create, publish, update, delete, review, provide marks and comments, mark as draft their assignments course-wise. To create an assignment, follow the instruction below:
Figure 4. Academy LMS Adding New Assignment
You and your instructors can also update assignments whenever you want. For this, you have to navigate:
Figure 5. Academy LMS Assignment's More Options
Figure 6. Academy LMS Editing The Assignment
Figure 7. Academy LMS Updating The Assignment
If you want to save your assignment as a draft, click on the "Mark as draft" option, and to publish your assignment, click on the "Mark As Draft" button from the assignment "More" icon.
Figure 8. Academy LMS Mark Assignment As Draft
Figure 9. Academy LMS Mark Assignment As Active
Figure 10. Academy LMS Assignment As Expired After Deadline
To provide marks and comments on student's answers, you can follow the steps below:
Figure 11. Academy LMS Viewing All Assignments Submissions
Figure 12. Academy LMS Viewing Student's Assignments Submissions
Figure 13. Academy LMS Submitting Assignment's Answers and Provide Marks Option
Note: Your students can see their assignment results after the assignment's review.
Figure 14. Academy LMS Submitting Assignment's Marks & Remarks
To delete an assignment, you have to navigate:
Figure 15. Academy LMS Deleting An Assignment
You and your instructors can see the reviewed assignment results if you want. For this, you can follow the steps below:
Figure 16. Academy LMS Viewing Result After Review The Assignments
Figure 17. Academy LMS Reviewed Assignments
Figure 18. Academy LMS Reviewed Assignments Result
Your students can submit and preview their results after completing the assignments. They can also upload files from their device, see assignment status.
To submit an assignment, your student can follow the steps below:
Figure 19. Academy LMS Student's Home Page
Figure 20. Academy LMS My Courses
Figure 21. Academy LMS Course Media Page
Figure 22. Academy LMS Submitting An Assignment
Note: Your students can resubmit their assignments by the deadline. They could not submit their assignments if the assignment's submission date expired.
Figure 23. Academy LMS Submitting An Assignment
After the assignment's submission date, your students can see their results. For this, they have to navigate:
Figure 24. Academy LMS Download Assignment Result
After the assignment's submission date, your students can also see their submitted answers. For this, they have to click on the “Preview answer” button:
Figure 25. Academy LMS Preview Assignment’s Submitted Answer
Academy LMS Viewing Student’s Submitted Answer
Figure 26. Academy LMS Viewing Student’s Submitted Answer
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