Ekattor 8

74 Articles

Quick start guide

To start your application quick, you need to follow the steps below:

  • Complete the installation process following the installation guide.
  • Log in to the application as superadmin.
  • Create subscription packages for schools.
  • Add schools and provide the respective login credentials to the school's admin.
  • Log in to the application as a school admin
  • Purchase a suitable package and get access to all other features.
  • Configure the payment settings, and check the school and subscription information.
  • Create other users of the application. (Students, teachers, parents, students, accountants, and librarian)
  • Add academic activities (Class, section, syllabus, subject, department, attendance, class routine, and grade book)
  • Manage fees 

By following these steps, the school admin can manage all other activities in Ekattor 8 application.

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