Ekattor 8

74 Articles

FAQ settings

You can manage your FAQs on the lang page/frontend page as a superadmin in Ekattor 8. Here you can add new FAQs, update, or remove them whenever you want.

Adding new FAQs:

To add new FAQs to your lang page/frontend page, you can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application as a superadmin.
  • Select the "Settings" option from the left menu.
  • Click on the "FAQ settings" option from the sub-menu.

Ekattor 8 Faq Settings 1

  • Click on the "Add question and answer" button.

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  • Write down the questions and answers.
  • Click on the "Create" button to save the data.

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Updating FAQs:

To update the FAQs on the lang page/frontend page, you can follow the steps below:

  • Log in to the application as a superadmin.
  • Select the "Settings" option from the left menu.
  • Click on the "FAQ settings" option from the sub-menu.

Ekattor 8 Faq Settings 1

  • Select a FAQ.
  • Click on the "Action" button for more options.

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  • Select the "Edit" option.

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  • Update required information.
  • Click on the "Update" option.

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Removing FAQs:

To remove a FAQ, you can follow the steps below as a superadmin:

  •  Log in to the application as a superadmin.
  • Select the "Settings" option from the left menu.
  • Click on the "FAQ settings" option from the sub-menu.

Ekattor 8 Faq Settings 1

  • Select a FAQ.
  • Click on the "Action" button for more options.

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  • Select the "Delete" option.

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  • Click on the "Yes" button for confirmation.

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