Getting started
Course management
Student’s learning process
Earning from course selling
Administrative controls
Academy LMS Mobile App
Installable addons
Installable themes
Video tutorial
Student Flutter App
Academy LMS Affiliate addon
Video Subscription Service
Academy LMS offers to use a new video subscription service for your course lessons. With this subscription service, you can upload your lessons to the application and the lessons will be automatically stored on the hosting server. Academy video hosting service is more secure at affordable prices. This video hosting service also helps to reduce stress from your application.
To get the advantage of the Academy LMS video hosting service, you have to purchase the subscription packages. There are different kinds of reasonable packages we have offered you. You can choose any of these packages and it's renewable. Also, you can cancel the subscription whenever you want. Your subscribed package will be stopped after completing the validity data.
This video subscription service works in a flow. They are:
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