Getting started
Course management
Student’s learning process
Earning from course selling
Administrative controls
Academy LMS Mobile App
Installable addons
Installable themes
Video tutorial
Student Flutter App
Academy LMS Affiliate addon
Video Subscription Service
In this settings panel, you can configure your SMTP settings, edit your email templates, and manage system notifications.
SMTP settings:
For this, you can follow the steps below:
Email template:
You can edit your email templates for your applications. For this, you can follow the steps below:
In Academy LMS, you can manage your system notification professionally by switching the button. In this panel, you manage new user registration, email verification, forgot password mail, account security alert, course purchase notification, course completion mail, course eligibility notification, offline payment suspended mail, course bundle purchase notification, new user added as an affiliate, affiliate approval notification, affiliate request cancellation, affiliation money withdrawal request, approval of withdrawal request of affiliation, and course gift notification.
For managing these notifications, you can follow the steps below.
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