

Here in the dashboard, you can view all the information in one place. Total employee list, employee attendance, the employee who is on vacation every detail in this place. 

Task Manager 

In this section, as an admin, you can view and assign tasks to the users. You can mark tasks as completed and archive the tasks anytime from this section. 


You can give attendance to your employees from this section. You can store their check-in time and checkout time alone with a note. 


Here in this time sheet section, you can submit your daily work description along with time.

Leave Report

In this section, you can view and create leave requests for the users. As an admin, you can also approve and reject leave requests submitted by the users.


As an admin, you can give and manage ratings to all the other employees from this section. 


Here in this section, you can add sudden incidents along with incident details and dates. As an admin, you can edit and delete this anytime. 


You can add and manage employee lists from this section. You can mark them as inactive, view their profile information, and manage the information from this section. 


Here you can view all the employees' lists along with their payment status. As an admin, you can generate their payment and update the changes from the admin panel.


As an admin, you can add inventory items from this section. You can add all the small kinds of items and select the responsible users as well from this section. 


In this section, you can add your office branches. As an admin, you can modify the branch information anytime from the admin panel. 


As an Admin you have the option to manage your profile information and modify them anytime from the admin panel. You can view your tasks, payslip, timesheet, attendance, and every detail in this profile section. 

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