Online Learning

Make teaching fun with different teaching styles


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Teaching style is a very crucial factor when you are an educator. If the teaching style is not up to standard, a student will not feel motivated to learn. Different teaching philosophies provide a more adaptable learning environment for both teachers and students. Changing up your teaching methods or reassessing the ones you now use might rejuvenate the way you deliver your courses and potentially increase student participation.

Learning Management Systems (LMSs) have become the foundation of the e-learning environment at a time when digital landscapes are changing educational boundaries. But a system is only as good as the people using it. Motivation is the gasoline that powers the learning engine for pupils passing through these digital landscapes.

It is challenging to keep your students' attention intact the whole time in an online classroom.

What is LMS and how it works

Basically, LMS is essentially a platform that allows easy and seamless learning for both students and teachers. Your students will find it more straightforward to learn whenever they want if you organize all of your courses in one location with the aid of an LMS. An LMS offers a plethora of options that teachers may utilize to enhance the interactivity and engagement of their lessons. 

Understanding how to engage students properly is essential for having an excellent online teaching experience, and this is where LMSs excel. Tests and quizzes can also be created by teachers and given to their pupils. A learning management system makes it simpler to communicate with your students (LMS). 

How teaching styles affect learning

The most crucial element in creating a thriving learning environment is your students. Thus, it's critical to employ instructional strategies that will interest them at all learning and skill levels. You will effectively reach every student if you use a well-balanced combination of teaching approaches that incorporate the best aspects of your expertise.

Different classroom environments, the subject you're teaching, and the unique mix of students in your class can all have a significant impact on your teaching approach. For example, a lecture-based or authoritative teaching style works well with big classrooms and subjects like history that demand a lot of memory. 

Subjects that require extensive feedback or that call for lab activities may be better suited for a delegator or group teaching method. As opposed to just reciting information, the instructor in the latter approach inspires and observes.

Using LMS to spice up your teaching

Using a variety of teaching methods with a learning management system (LMS) may make learning engaging for your students. Here are a few successful methods to accomplish this:

Interactive multimedia:
Add interactive simulations, movies, and animations to your classes. Interactive and visual materials increase the enjoyment and engagement of learning. You may incorporate interactive components into your LMS with the use of tools like H5P (HTML5 package).

Add pictures of neatly laid out and visually appealing classroom arrangements.


Students Engaged In Face To Face Learning

Include components such as leaderboards, badges, and prizes to make your courses more engaging. This process can encourage kids to compete entertainingly and excitingly and to engage fully. Some platforms are also available for interactive games and quizzes.

Collaborative Learning and Discussion Forums:
Students should be encouraged to collaborate and have conversations. Make use of the discussion boards in your LMS to help with this. Pupils can converse with one another, exchange ideas, and pose queries.

Flipped classroom:
In flipped learning, students complete pre-class activities or obtain the course materials before class. Prior to the session, they study the subject and get some background information by watching the course videos and other resources that the professors have supplied. 

In class, teachers may concentrate more on active learning and student participation when they use flipped learning. 

Tactile learning: 
Hands-on exercises and demonstrations are used to promote tactile learning. This style of instruction may also be used in virtual classrooms, where students practice at home as the instructor models a task. It works best for practical courses and talents where students must build things or hone their skills.

Peer evaluation and instruction: 
Students should instruct one another. They are able to make presentations, discuss ideas with their colleagues, and even evaluate one another's work. This improves comprehension and adds enjoyment to learning.

Scenario based learning: 
Provide case studies or real-world scenarios for the students to answer. Students may find this entertaining and helpful in realizing the significance of what they are studying when they apply their knowledge in practical ways.

Feedback and assessment: 
Give timely and helpful criticism. Make sure a range of abilities are examined and maintain interest by using several kinds of assessments (such as essays, projects, and quizzes).

Divide the material into manageable, digestible pieces. Every microlearning module revolves around a single, distinct learning goal or idea. Microlearning guarantees that the information stays relevant and concise. 

This frequently uses a range of multimedia components, including infographics, animations, films, and interactive features, to enhance and optimize the learning process. Learning may become more exciting and less daunting as a result. After every module, provide tests and knowledge checks to help reinforce what you've learned.

Incorporate humor: 
A well-placed joke or amusing story may lighten the mood and improve the learning environment.

Include a story in your lessons. Students' attention can be drawn in, and teachings can become more remembered through storytelling.

Remember to modify your teaching methods to fit the unique requirements and preferences of your pupils. You can determine what aspects of your LMS course are practical and require improvement with ongoing feedback and evaluation. You can accommodate a range of learning preferences and make learning enjoyable and efficient by utilizing a number of teaching approaches.


Advanced security measures included in LMSs guarantee that instructional materials are shielded from any unauthorized access. So you don't have to worry about the materials you are creating getting lost anywhere. You can access them easily. 

It has been observed that your pupils study any subject matter better when they are not under any time constraints.

Because of this, the majority of companies that offer online learning management systems and LMS teaching courses have stated that your pupils will benefit from studying using this technology very soon. 

Academy LMS has exciting tools that you can use to make your teaching even more, fun and effective. You can try this LMS demo version as well to see if it fits all your requirements.